My eyes slowly open, and I raise my head to look around me.

I don’t know when she came back from the small town, but Sif is there, sitting in front of me, looking at me with a small smile on her lips. Behind her, the sun is already halfway down the horizon, tinting the sky in shades of pink and orange and red. I’m still seated in the grass, my back against the tree, its coarse bark rubbing against my skin.


Did I… Did I fall asleep?Continue reading

Sif’s face flickers through a variety of expressions, until she ends up just blankly staring at me. “Your family?”

I nod.

“I see…” She nods back for a few moments, then instead shakes her head, squinting her eyes. She takes a deep breath. “No, actually, I don’t see. At all. I’m trying to imagine it. I really am. But I just can’t picture it. Do you have… siblings?”

[…Sister.]Continue reading